Today in my convergent media class we discussed an interesting topic. It is the idea that journalism majors are not only dying out, but that those who still major in it have to do more. In its origin, journalism was exactly what you would expect it to be. Writing. However, as time has moved on and technology has evolved so many more requirements have come with a journalism degree. For example, it is expected that you should have some knowledge of photography and photo editing. Thus, if you are writing a story you should know how to take your own pictures for the story and edit them to make sure they are perfect. Also, it would be very helpful if you are skilled in the art of video editing because that would allow you to create your own news packages from start to finish. That includes: recording footage, having audio, likely creating some sort of script that the video will follow and putting it all together in a manner that is pleasant for viewers. This idea reminds me of something I talked about earlier in the year. That is the fact that the same thing is happening with businesses and the evolution of social media. Originally, businesses would only have to worry about perfecting whatever kind of service or product their company provided. At most, they would have a small marketing team that would put up some kind of billboard. However, just like journalism, as time has evolved they are expected to plaster social media sites with advertisements promoting their company. In essence, it is interesting to see how the world is changing for people and businesses as technology and expectations have evolved. Maybe there will be one person doing everything for an entire news company in the near future.
I had no idea that was expected from people going into the field of journalism. I assumed ghat much of what they still do is writing but adding all of the editing, video, audio etc. seems like a handful! In regard to business, one of the classes I took here at ONU focused a portion of time teaching us how to use social media and other tools when searching for a job. Showing us how important social media can be and how it can affect our careers. Social media really have found its way into everything.