Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Live Tweeting Amateur

      This past weekend was the weekend for live tweeting. Each of us in my social media principles class had to live tweet an event happening at homecoming weekend. Being someone who enjoys attending sporting events, I decided to go to the Ohio Northern football game where we played Marietta. I'll be honest, at first I was anxious. Tweeting is somewhat of a foreign concept to me. It's not that I don't use Twitter, or that I don't know how to tweet, but more so that I just never do it. I mean sure, I will retweet something sports related or funny every now and again. However, that is never something tweeted by me. So, I knew going into it I was would feel weird tweeting out the happenings of a football game when most of my Twitter followers have almost never seen me tweet before. Although, I must say it went relatively smooth. Well, the very first tweet where I gave the score after the first quarter took me a second to get out because, for those who don't know, you can't just hit return or enter and have your cursor go to the next line on a tweet. That is not how Twitter works. If you want to tweet something where you different sentences on different lines, the easiest thing to do is to go to the notes on your phone and type it out the way you want it to look, then directly copy it from there to your tweet. At first, I had forgotten that I needed to do this trick. But, like riding a bike, I caught on pretty quick and never had that problem again. So, overall I would say my first live tweeting assignment was a success. Because while it did seem odd to me at first, it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone and do something that I'm not accustomed to. Thus, I would consider doing it again. Maybe.


  1. I can relate. I had to make a Twitter account for this assignment so I only had two followers at the time. I was nervous because I didn't have a vast knowledge of how Twitter works. Just like you said, it went smooth after the first tweet. I did not know about that trick to make it post different lines. When I tried, I just help the space bar until it would be far enough away. It was a nice way to start using this new platform.

  2. While I cannot exactly relate to how you felt. I never have tweeted anything like the Homecoming parade before. Like you I don't tweet much, and when I do actually tweet, It felt different. This was not normal stuff that I tweet. I will retweet things I find funny and send my friends funny tweets. The struggle was real.
